Monday, December 10, 2012

Shake what ya mama gave ya...

Yes, shake it like you gon lose it tomorrow!  Well... maybe going to the corner and bustin' out in the percolator isn't the exact image you would wanna attach to your business.  However, the premise of using exactly what you have in your toolbox is the idea.

When you actually take a step back and look at all the tools at your disposal, ask yourself a serious question, are you using them ALL?  Seriously, are you using all of the things that you can use in order to make yourself successful.  Most of the time, the answer is no.  We are bombarded with so many free offers, given coupons every time we check out at CVS or Target, that we get sick of waiting for them to print out, or we throw it away when throw away the bags we received.

Not only do we waste water, electricity and food.  We also waste business resources that can give us that leg up in our hustle.  For instance, did you order cards from Vistaprint?  Did you notice that they probably gave you $100 in Google adwords and a credit for Fotolia?  I bet you haven't activated either one of them.  And if you have, you probably didn't use the free "Google keyword tool" to choose the best keywords for your ad.  Things like this can boost our business.

So, go to your email account and just search your email for the words "offer", "free", "activate".  Click on the email, just to see what it is.  Don't do anything crazy and get a virus on your computer, make sure that it's actually attached to something that you bought.  You may look through and see you have some free stuff that you're not using that can help you in your business this holiday season.

Check you later.