Monday, August 26, 2013

Free lessons...

Yes, so I just used a headline to make you want to look at my blog post, however, it's not just a gimmick.  I want you to join/like my fan page on Facebook.  Here are three reasons why you'll love it:

1.  You'll get free lessons.
     Yup, just that simple.  I put free lessons on the Facebook page, and you can check 'em out and see if you're ready for real private lessons.  But you can check out the free lessons and learn as much as you want.

2. Stay up on your current music news
    So, I sit at home scouring the net for all the latest stuff going on in the music world, the latest sound and newest music.  You every wonder what makes the Imagine Dragons the hottest Alternative rock band of the decade?  Me too.

3. Need tracks? Got that too...
    Stay up on the new music that becomes available if you're in the market for tracks for your music project.  Also, I'll cut deals periodically to give away some for free sometimes.  Everybody likes free.

So, as you see, you can benefit from jumping on the Kognate bandwagon and hanging out virtually with your boy.  I've been active on there for quite a time, so check it out:

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